Lindbergh’s historic trans-Atlantic flight and subsequent tours brought increased national attention to St. Louis, and the following entry for August 17, which shows him traveling to Kansas City by flying over Chamois and Jefferson City. Of particular importance is the entry dated August 15, 1927, in which Lindbergh records landing in St. This journal page is from a three-month national flight tour he undertook on behalf of the Daniel Guggenheim Fund for the Promotion of Aeronautics. Lindbergh departed Roosevelt field in New York and flew a modified Ryan monoplane solo to Paris, France.

Louis in their honor.Īfter his transatlantic success, Lindbergh used his fame to promote various causes. On a 25 year old air mail pilot named Charles A. Louis businessmen to finance the design of a specialized plane for the journey and named the new plane Spirit of St. Around this time, Lindbergh learned of a $25,000 prize that had been offered by New York hotel owner Raymond Orteig to the first pilot to fly nonstop from New York to Paris. Louis as a mail pilot for the Robertson Aircraft Corporation. After completing his service, Lindbergh returned to civilian life in St. Lindbergh, (born February 4, 1902, Detroit, Michigan, U.S.died August 26, 1974, Maui, Hawaii), American aviator, one of the best-known figures in aeronautical history, remembered for the first nonstop solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean, from New York City to Paris, on May 2021, 1927. Louis in 1927 changed the face of aviation and brought him international honors and acclaim. Lindbergh’s historic solo transatlantic flight in the Spirit of St. Lindbergh was born in Detroit, Michigan, on February 4, 1902, and spent most of his childhood in Little Falls, Minnesota, and Washington, D.C.He was the only child of Charles August Lindbergh (birth name Carl Mnsson 18591924), who had emigrated from Sweden to Melrose, Minnesota, as an infant, and Evangeline Lodge Land Lindbergh (18761954) of Detroit.
A Detroit native, Lindbergh took an interest in engineering and aviation from an early age, becoming a barnstormer at age twenty-three before enlisting in the Army Air Service. Charles Lindbergh, in full Charles Augustus Lindbergh, also called Charles A. The next year he was hired as chief pilot for the Robertson Aircraft Corporation, which flew the air mail between St. Charles Augustus Lindbergh (1902-1974) achieved international fame after completing the first solo nonstop flight across the Atlantic Ocean on May 20-21, 1927.